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Home > Paper Book > PURIM Songbook. 17 most popular jewish songs to sing, play and enjoy

PURIM Songbook. 17 most popular jewish songs to sing, play and enjoy

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PURIM Songbook. 17 most popular jewish songs to sing, play and enjoy

€ 22,00
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A wonderful collection of 17 best-known PURIM songs in lead sheet form with lyrics in Hebrew and chords.

  • Arrangements are for beginning to intermediate keyboard students, for kids and adults
  • In C, F, Am, Dm, 4/4
  • Full musical notation with chords and chord diagram
  • Fingering suggestions
  • Tempo mark

This handy songbook is the perfect for everyone who like to play and sing songs for beautiful holiday.

Songs included:

  1. Ani Purim | אני פורים
  2. Chag Purim | חג פורים
  3. Mishenichnas Adar | משנכנס אדר
  4. Mishenichnas Adar II | משנכנס אדר ב
  5. Layehudim | ליהודים היתה אורה
  6. Layehudim II | ליהודים היתה אורה ב
  7. Layehudim III | ליהודים היתה אורה ג
  8. Umordechaui Yatza | ומרדכי יצא
  9. Shoshanas Yaakov | שושנת יעק
  10. Shoshanas Yaakov II | שושנת יעק ב
  11. Shoshanas Yaakov Satmar | שושנת יעק ג
  12. Leitzan Katan | ליצן קטן
  13. Yom Tov Lanu | יום טוב לנו
  14. Chayav Inish | חייב איניש
  15. Vayehi Bimei Achashverosh | ויהי בימי אחשורוש
  16. Keli Lomo Azavtoni | קלי למה עזבתני
  17. Al Hanissim | על הניסים


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