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Home > Lead Sheet > Hannukah Medley. 10 songs + playback

Hannukah Medley. 10 songs + playback

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Hannukah Medley. 10 songs + playback

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10 most popular Hanukkah songs medley lead sheets with chords and backing track (without melody) for playing or singing along.

  1. Yemei Hachanukah
  2. Maoz Tzur
  3. Yevonim I
  4. Yevonim II
  5. Al Hanisim
  6. Sevivon Sov Sov Sov
  7. I Have a Little Dreidel
  8. Hanerot Halalu
  9. Ner Li
  10. Hanukkah, Hanukkah


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